Title 1 Parental Engagement Department Annual Health Fair
The Broward County Title 1, Parental Engagement Program, provides support services to eligible children and their families. Our goal is to provide this support in order to meet the educational and social needs of the Title 1 families we serve. Each year, the Parental Engagement Program facilitates Parent Training Academy Workshops that assist parents with empowering themselves and gaining the skills necessary to help them and their families achieve social and academic success.On Saturday, April 28, 2018 from 10am-1pm the Parental Engagement Department will be hosting its Annual Health and Wellness Fair at Atlantic Technical -Arthur Ashe Campus located at 1701 NW 23 Avenue ,Fort Lauderdale , FL 33311.
Saturday 4/28/2018
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Atlantic Techical-Arthur Ashe Campus 1701 NW 23rd Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Sandra McLendon
(954) 218.8101
[email protected]