Send a Note of Support to Broward Health Caregivers

Send a Note of Support to Broward Health Caregivers

Send Caregivers an Online Message

Let our Broward Health caregivers know how much they are appreciated and admired! Show your gratitude by uploading a video or image of artwork that you or your child has created. Even the smallest act of kindness can mean so much to those on the frontlines. Together, we can show them just how special and valued they truly are for their incredible work and dedication. Let's spread some cheer and make sure our heroes at Broward Health know that we are behind them every step of the way!

Caregiver Information
Sender Information
Image or videos files cannot be larger than 12MB in size and (for video) not longer than 30 seconds.

Here are Dr. Christopher Roberts, Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery, and Dr. Tiffany Sizemore-Ruiz, Cardiology and Internal Medicine, reading some notes of encouragement:

Doctor Tiffany Sizemore-Ruiz
Doctor Christopher Roberts

Caregiver Message Disclaimer

Broward Health reserves the right to use any note/story submitted, without the expressed written permission of those writing the note/story. Broward Health may use the note/story in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by Broward Health including but not limited to: social media, brochures, internal communications, television, websites, etc.

Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. See 688.6076, Florida Statutes.