2024 Elective Joint Replacement Class

2024 Elective Joint Replacement Class

Joining Your Class

The joint replacement preoperative class is held on Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. via Microsoft Teams (see the schedule below). Although not being held in person, the class will cover all the information you need to prepare for your upcoming procedure. You may invite a family member or friend to attend the class with you as your "joint replacement coach”.


To join the class, please follow the steps below:


If you will be using an Android device, laptop, or computer:

  • On the morning of the class, please click the link below. You will be given the option to open Microsoft Teams from the app or from your internet browser. Please select “Open from browser”.
  • After selecting “Open from browser”, a new window will open that will allow you to join the meeting.

If you will be using an Apple device (iPhone, iPad, or Mac):

  • Download the Microsoft Teams app from the App Store ahead of the meeting time. The app is free and should take less than a few minutes to download.
  • Create a username and password that you will remember. 
  • Click the link below. You will be given the option to open Microsoft Teams from the app or from your internet browser. Select “open in Microsoft Teams app”. 

When prompted select “Computer audio”. This option will allow you to see and hear the presenters and view the PowerPoint presentation. 


Please call 954-786-6635 if assistance is needed with joining the class. 

Microsoft Teams Link

Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 251 210 848 715 
Passcode: QjoR67 

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2024 Schedule