When you’re dealing with a condition impacting your circulatory system – usually caused by plaque buildup, leading to slowed down, reduced, or even blocked blood flow – not seeking treatment in a timely manner can lead to devastating consequences, including death.
Fortunately, the comprehensive vascular experts at Broward Health have the advanced training, decades of experience and leading-edge treatments needed to help you feel better. So, you can continue living well for years to come, even with vascular disease.
Since vascular disease is tied to how well blood flows through your body, talk with your primary care provider if you’re experiencing any new or worsening symptoms, such as:
Your care team will help you with a referral to our dedicated experts if they feel your symptoms show the potential of being vascular disease.
Worried about Stroke? Check the Symptoms.
Whether you’ve been dealing with your vascular condition for years, or you’re experiencing new symptoms, Broward Health’s multidisciplinary experts can help.
When it comes to stroke, time lost is brain lost, so every minute counts. If you're experiencing the signs of stroke, BE FAST and get to our comprehensive experts, ASAP.
Whether you’re seeing our vascular experts, or you’re also benefitting from Broward Health’s interventional neurology leaders, we have some of South Florida’s most advanced treatments against vascular disease.