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Broward Health Amends Visitor Policy to Safeguard Community Against COVID-19

Published: Wednesday Mar. 11, 2020

Fort Lauderdale, Florida - Broward Health is committed to protecting the health of our patients, visitors and caregivers from the possible spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). To safeguard these individuals and our community, we will be limiting the number of visitors entering our hospitals and altering our visitor protocols beginning the evening of March 12, 2020, until further notice.

Visitors will be welcomed from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week.

Each patient is allowed one visitor per day, and it must be the same person during the established morning and evening hours. Pediatric and maternity patients may have up to two visitors per day.

Visitors who are experiencing cold or flu symptoms are asked to refrain from visiting patients. In addition, we are asking visitors who have traveled to China, Japan, South Korea, Italy or Iran in the last 14 days or have been in close contact with someone who has traveled to these countries to defer their visits.

As always, all guests will be greeted and registered at the security desk prior to visiting any patients. Guests should expect a question-based screening to ensure they meet current visitor criteria.

Prior to visiting hospitals, ambulatory/urgent care centers or doctors’ offices, individuals with COVID-19 symptoms, which include shortness of breath, cough and fever, should call their primary care physician or the Florida Department of Health in Broward County at 954-467-4700. A patient's doctor or the Department of Health can advise whether that individual should be tested and then, if necessary, coordinate with first responders and hospitals to safely isolate the patient. This process is in place to safeguard the community.

As one of the largest public health systems in the U.S., our mission is provide access to high quality care to all those we serve. We follow evidence-based guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Department of Health. We also have comprehensive infection control policies in place. These protocols are designed to protect those in our hospitals as we care for patients every day.

Our team is well-equipped to deliver comprehensive care in adherence to CDC and Department of Health guidelines. We are prepared to treat individuals who may need respiratory support or who have an underlying medical condition. However, most healthy individuals who contract COVID-19 may only experience mild to moderate flu-like symptoms and will not require hospitalization. They will likely be able to recover from the comfort of their homes.

Prevention of COVID-19 is the best defense against the virus, and is the responsibility of each member of our community. Please continue to take simple steps to protect yourself and others, including thoroughly washing your hands, covering your cough and staying home when you are sick.

While this is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation, operations continue as normal at Broward Health hospitals, urgent care and ambulatory centers, and physician practices. We will provide updated information as it becomes available.