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Broward Health Coral Springs Launches Heartburn Center

Published: Wednesday Sep. 23, 2020

Coral Springs, Florida - Broward Health Coral Springs, which has been treating heartburn sufferers for more than two decades, has recently launched a new Heartburn Center that offers the latest in surgical treatments and endoscopic therapies. This specialized, multidisciplinary center provides treatment for a wide variety of conditions that cause heartburn, such as gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD).

According to the American College of Gastroenterology, more than 60 million Americans experience heartburn at least once a month, and some studies have suggested that more than 15 million Americans experience heartburn symptoms each day.

Mark Shachner, M.D., the Center’s medical director, said many heartburn patients simply reach for over-the-counter medications to ease the symptoms when more permanent solutions are available. Receiving a professional medical evaluation of heartburn symptoms may help reveal more serious underlying conditions.

“GERD is a progressive disease,” said Shachner. “What starts out as heartburn can lead to severe issues, such as a chronic cough, hoarseness, dental erosion, even cancer. Our multidisciplinary approach helps ensure patients receive a thorough assessment and treatment plan.”

Among the variety of conditions diagnosed and treated at Broward Health Coral Springs’ Heartburn Center include hiatal hernia, Barrett’s esophagus, motility disorders, achalasia and anatomic disorders interfering with swallowing. When more serious conditions are diagnosed, Broward Health can sometimes offer several non-surgical and minimally invasive surgical treatment options with short recovery periods.

“Broward Health patients have access to the latest surgical techniques, including robotic surgery,” Shachner said.

For more information about heartburn conditions or to schedule an appointment call 954-227-GERD or visit Digestive Health.